A motivational booklet to help deal with negative thoughts and feeling by focusing on self-care and changing toxic behavioural patterns.
A place of calm that shows you ways to express negative thoughts and feelings by using creative outlets. It’s about finding the right activities that will help you the most that counts and not being apprehensive of trying something new.
Centering in the Morning- Having a place of calm that allows focus and energy when feeling stressed or anxious (Samuels, 2021). 
Grounding at Night Getting rid of negative energy by building positive connections by using mental and physical techniques (Samuels, 2021).
Samuels, K. (18th November 2021) How to Ground and Center. (online) Available at: https://dictionary.apa.org/centering https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-empowerment-diary/202002/what-is-centering-what-is-grounding

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